
Conference "Defining healthy microbiome"


Author: Patrycja Andrzejuk

Last week, our employees Estera Michaluk, PhD and Patrycja Andrzejuk, Msc, representing the research team, presented the results of recent research "Application of atomic force microscope (AFM) in the analysis of nanomechanical properties of Candida spp."
at a conference organized in Slovenia entitled "Defining healthy microbiome".
The conference touched on many fascinating topics regarding:
1) The human microbiome: insights into health and disease
2) Animal microbiome: from the gut to the habitat
3) Plant microbiome: harnessing the power of plant-microbe interactions
4) Environmental Microbiome: Linking microbes to ecosystem health. One health and healthy microbiomes

Our tested C.albicans and the methods used to analyze it were amazing, which makes us very happy.
The meeting was also a great opportunity to establish industry contacts and exchange experiences and ideas.
We would like to thank everyone working on this project and everyone present at the conference - see you soon!





Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Uczelnia dostępna dla wszystkich, numer POWR 03.0500-00-A050/20

O projekcie